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Facing Wages - Beyond Survival: Why We Need Both Minimum Wage and Living Wage for a Thriving Society

Picture this: You're hustling day in and day out, working your fingers to the bone just to make ends meet. You're juggling bills, scraping by on ramen noodles, and praying that your car holds out for one more month. Welcome to the reality of living on minimum wage, where survival is the name of the game, and thriving feels like a distant dream.

But what if I told you there's a better way? What if we could create a world where not only do people survive, but they thrive? It's time to challenge the status quo and demand both minimum wage for entry-level earners and a living wage for those striving for a better life.

Let's get real for a moment – minimum wage jobs are often seen as steppingstones for part-time school-age children or individuals with no job experience. But here's the kicker: these jobs are crucial for gaining valuable skills, learning the value of hard work, and building a foundation for future success.

By setting a minimum wage range of $8-$15 per hour, we empower young workers to enter the workforce with dignity and purpose. But let's not stop there – let's also implement limits and restrictions to ensure that these opportunities are reserved for those who truly need them.

Now, let's talk about the flip side of the coin – the living wage. This isn't just about surviving paycheck to paycheck; it's about thriving and building a life of dignity and stability. A living wage should be reserved for slightly experienced to low-level beginning supervisory workers – individuals who are putting in the effort and dedication to advance in their careers.

By ensuring that these workers earn a living wage, we empower them to break free from the cycle of poverty, invest in their futures, and contribute meaningfully to our economy. It's not just about putting food on the table; it's about putting dreams within reach.

So, why should we have both minimum wage and living wage? It's simple – because one size doesn't fit all. We need minimum wage to provide entry-level opportunities and foster a culture of hard work and perseverance. But we also need a living wage to ensure that no one gets left behind in the race for success.

Think of it as a ladder – minimum wage is the first rung, helping individuals take that initial step into the workforce. But the living wage? That's the top rung, lifting people up and propelling them towards their goals.

It's time to break free from the false dichotomy of minimum wage vs. living wage. Let's demand both and create a world where everyone has the opportunity not just to survive, but to thrive. After all, isn't that the American dream?

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